The Vidar replaced the few remaining Fenris
class cruisers that were left in Sol after
the jump node collapsed. Fastest of the cruiser
classes, the Vidar is best suited for convoy
escort or as an anti-fighter weapons platform. |
GTC Tyr:
The Tyr is the largest cruiser class in service
and one of the most heavily armed. Designed
to assist larger capital classes with its
railgun armourments it can be very deadly
in a group. |
GTD Zagreus:
An older destroyer class that was retired
after the mass production of the Orion. The
Zagreus was brought back into active service
after the Sol node collapsed. The vessel has
also been upgraded with improved armour and
a better weapons system. |
GTD Megaera:
Very little is known about the Megaera class.
We believe it is a one of a kind ship. |
An old class of station built into the larger
asteroids in the asteroid belt. They were
originally used for research and development
away from populated areas. A few of the remaining
ones seem to of been taken over by criminal
orginizations. |
The Aether is a heavier upgraded version
of the Chronos used by the military to transport
the most important goods and supplies. Unlike
the Chronos the Aether does not carry seperate
containers, instead carrying the cargo in
its interior holds. |
Note: FS1/INF standard ships not included
above, only new models are featured.