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Terran Fighters
Terran Capships
NC Fighters
NC Capships
Alliance - Non Campaign Capships |
The Mafdet is a Vasudan medium cruiser. Were
the Aten failed in strength and power, the
Mafdet tries to make up for it. Although the
Mafdet is still weaker to its Terran counterpart,
the Tyr, the Mafdet should be considered a
far more credible threat than the Aten. |
PVC Mekhet:
The Vasudans' heaviest cruiser, the PVC Mekhet,
outclasses our own cruisers in armour, but
with fewer turrets. The cruiser is, however,
the slowest warship in either fleet, making
it easier to outrun or evade than confront
directly. |
PVD Bastet:
The Bastet was the standard destroyer class
in use by the Vasudans until the Typhon was
developed. Due to its unusual shape the Bastet
finds it difficult to target an enemy capship
in side combat. This lead to much damage being
taken from Terran destroyers. The Bastet is
still used to patrol inner Vasudan systems
and has seen increased usage from the Hammer
of Light as a command vessel. |
PVD Het-Ka:
The Het-Ka is a massive Vasudan destroyer
constructed by the Hammer of Light. It seems
that like with the rogue GTI Hades destroyer,
this vessel also makes use of Shivan derived
technology, including two forward beam cannons. |
SC Abel:
The weakest of the Shivan cruisers, the Abel
is near equal to the Vasudan Aten in strength.
However the Abel is one of the fastest cruisers
ever encountered which helps make up for its
poor armour. Since it is able to out run our
own cruisers, it must be destroyed quickly
before it can escape. |
Note: FS1/INF standard ships not included
above, only new models are featured.